Pither.com / Simon
Development, systems administration, parenting and business

Journal, ISO date 2018-06-12


The future of parking?


Yet another late (for work) start due to extra childcare and household drain issues (I really dislike climbing through foliage to check the outside drain).

Booked the car's MOT and ticked off a few rental property tasks, including booking an electrician visit.

A doctors visit, following up on my ear operation last year - all is apparently looking good.

Finally finished editing and published my All Secure Domains new site announcement post.

A little bit of consultancy client work.

A while on assorted PaTMa marketing bits, including some time I probably shouldn't have spent re-discovering Poindexter which helps create financial forecasts for small businesses.

Plus, of course, too long reading and dealing with emails.

Journal Time

I seem to be spending quite a lot of time writing and editing these journals recently. That wasn't really the plan (as much as I had one), in fact they were going to only be short notes and quick links. No intention to stop writing them at the moment but I am trying to reduce the time I spend on them.

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