Pither.com / Simon
Development, systems administration, parenting and business

Journal, ISO date 2018-06-06



ASD had a bytes vs str (Python) issue after base64 decoding an authorisation header. Easily fixed with a decode('utf-8') but setting a suitable header in the Django test client isn't directly covered in the docs so here's what I did:

r = self.client.get('/test_url', {
    'data1': 'test_string',
    'data2': '',
}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode('{}:{}'.format(username, password).encode()))

Property planning

As a property person who's especially interested in my local area, I'm always interested to read about planning decisions. I think the planning meetings are all webcast but I just don't have the time to watch them.


Had a good chat with the lady behind Landlord Smart who provide business finance specifically for rental property furnishings. Hopefully we'll be able to provide each other with a little marketing help.

Finally catching up with some overdue emails, including one from someone I enjoyed chatting to at LTV Conf who's created a SaaS that helps with managing dance clubs.


I feel I was relatively close to spending today on what I'd planned! Let's see how accurate that feeling is...

  • Consultancy clients: ~1 hour
  • PaTMa marketing: ~1 hour
  • All Secure Domains development: ~6 hours
  • PaTMa urgent bug fixing (evening): ~0.5 hours
  • Email: ~0.4 hours

My plan was for All Secure Domains work today (although it was actually meant to be split between marketing and development, which didn't quite happen) which I certainly spent the majority of the day on. What do I have to show for it? The dynamic DNS fixes mentioned above plus lots of behind the scenes automation improvements; so sadly very little to shout about.

I'm especially pleased with the low amount of time logged to "Email".

My initial attempt to make Edgar do something useful for me yesterday, failed. Apparently I have to specifically schedule updates in the "Use Once" category. Maybe second time lucky.

Tab problem

I think it's public knowledge that I have a bit of a tab problem. For a while I was trying to keep it at bay and generally doing OK. But recently I've relapsed rather badly and having checked today was slightly alarmed to find that I have 796 tabs open in my browser! I'm going to set aside some time to work on closing some soon.

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